Thursday, June 16, 2011

Co Sleepers/Bassinets

So here's the thing about our little guy.  He likes to be with us in bed  He didn't seem to like the cradle we were putting him in.  Actually correct that, I was so tired with having him home at first that I would bring him into bed with me to feed him and then fall asleep.  This is generally not the safest move out there.  But he wouldn't really sleep in the cradle either it would seem.  So we went out and got a co-sleeper.  The one we got was the First Years Cosleeper.
They cost about $50 at Toysrus and other places.  We ended up buying it off Craigslist.  It was half the price and the person had used theirs twice.

Please do note that pretty much all the medical community says not to let your baby sleep in the bed with you.  There are a number of dangers, such as rolling over on the baby, bedding doing suffocation etc.....

The cosleeper worked reasonably well.  I will caution you not to get one of this particular kind unless you have at least a Queen size bed or are going to kick the hubby out.  My hubby and I were pretty much sleeping on the outside edges of the bed.  It does make for safer sleeping for the little one.  Another thing to consider is that they will grow out of it fairly quickly.  We only used it for a couple of months.  He grew too long after that.

I think perhaps if I was to do it again, I would either make sure I got out of bed to nurse and put him back in the cradle (avoiding the whole sleeping in the bed issue even though it can be super cuddly at times) or perhaps look into one of the  Arms Reach Cosleepers.  They look like they could be useful.