Sunday, September 25, 2011


Let me just say that bibs are useful.  Very very useful.  Some more than others.  I was a terrible mother and didn't/doesn't really use the drool bibs.  I really should, but it's been just kind of easier to put him in a new shirt/sleeper.  Mind you my Munchkin has so many clothes it's insane.  One day the hand me downs will dry up and I'll be in trouble.

Anyway, today's bit is about the food bibs.  They are super important.  Especially if your little one is as messy as mine.  I think my favorite bibs so far are the almost fully body bibs with sleeves.  I have some super cool other bibs, but they don't provide the coverage needed.  My Munchkin likes the ones made out of terry cloth, but there isn't much protection as he stuffs it in his mouth.  All the plastic bibs seem to end up as capes which is no good because I'll just have to teach him later that super heros don't wear capes.

I currently have the Kladd Prickar bibs from Ikea and they are working pretty well.  I'm also going to see about grabbing some other ones too.  I think I need a couple more bibs.  2 isn't enough.    I think Kushies makes them too even thought they aren't on the websites.  I've seen them at baby stores.  I'm sure there are other ones out there too.

But the protection is essential.  They can get super awesome coverage with the food.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wriggle Wrapper

So this is something really neat we just got.  It's called a Wriggle Wrapper by Phil and Teds.  It is a portable high chair.  I really like it.  I wasn't so sure I would, but I used it for a lunch outing today and it was fantastic.  My hubby used it on Saturday night when we were out for dinner for a friend's birthday.  The little man isn't quite able to use the restaurant ones yet.  He's a bit small.

I wasn't sure about it and actually hunted around and got it on Ebay.  But I really really like it.  You can secure them to a chair or in your lap and still have both hands free.   You just have to watch to make sure they don't steal your food/plate.

Now I realize most restaurants do have high chairs, but we do go to friends and family houses quite frequently and they don't have highchairs (and I don't expect them to either).

So I'm giving this 2 thumbs up!