Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Bumpers & Sleep Positioners

So Houston we have a problem.  We're in the process of teaching Munchkin how to sleep in his crib.  It's a bit of a slog.  Well actually a lot of a slog, but that's all for another post.  I will share the "wisdom" we have learned then.  This is more about a specific issue with the crib.

Our little guy has learned to roll over in one direction so far.  He can get from his back to his tummy but not back again.  The problem with that is that he's not super fond of his tummy time and it wakes him up when he does it.  The rolling will improve with time, however, when he does this he often ends up with a limb sticking out of the crib which makes things worse for him.  

So I looked into what we can do about both issues.  For the rolling I thought about a sleep positioner.  You can find lots of them on the internets, but with a little bit of research it looks like they can actually be quite harmful to baby.  So don't get one.  Which is too bad as it would be so lovely to temporarily keep him from rolling onto his tummy.  At least until he learns to roll back.

Now I did get a better option for the Baby Bumper.  Baby Bumpers are in fact not recommended for cribs.  They can contribute to SIDS and suffocation, strangulation and all that unfun stuff.  But they do a really good job of keeping the limbs in the crib.  With a bit of piking around I did find an alternative.  A mesh baby bumper with no ties and the like.  Keeps the limbs in and breathing feasible.

We're hopefully going to be grabbing one today from Toysrus and we shall see how it works.  

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