Monday, October 17, 2011
Baby Monitors
Basically, you set the thing up, put your iPhone with the baby wherever you are stashing the baby and it calls the phone number you set when the baby stirs. Kind of nifty I think.
I'll post again once I've tried it out and we'll see how snifty it is.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Anyway, today's bit is about the food bibs. They are super important. Especially if your little one is as messy as mine. I think my favorite bibs so far are the almost fully body bibs with sleeves. I have some super cool other bibs, but they don't provide the coverage needed. My Munchkin likes the ones made out of terry cloth, but there isn't much protection as he stuffs it in his mouth. All the plastic bibs seem to end up as capes which is no good because I'll just have to teach him later that super heros don't wear capes.
I currently have the Kladd Prickar bibs from Ikea and they are working pretty well. I'm also going to see about grabbing some other ones too. I think I need a couple more bibs. 2 isn't enough. I think Kushies makes them too even thought they aren't on the websites. I've seen them at baby stores. I'm sure there are other ones out there too.
But the protection is essential. They can get super awesome coverage with the food.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wriggle Wrapper
I wasn't sure about it and actually hunted around and got it on Ebay. But I really really like it. You can secure them to a chair or in your lap and still have both hands free. You just have to watch to make sure they don't steal your food/plate.
Now I realize most restaurants do have high chairs, but we do go to friends and family houses quite frequently and they don't have highchairs (and I don't expect them to either).
So I'm giving this 2 thumbs up!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Skip Hop Diaper Pad
I find it awesome for going for a walk or at the cottage heading over to the neighbours for a little bit. No need to take the bag of everything.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Too Much Cute
Friday, August 19, 2011
Baby Sign Language
My Smart Hands
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Baby Wipes
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Baby Swings
That being said, there are a bunch of baby swings out there now that run on batteries etc... that I'm sure are quite good I can't remember the model that was lent to my parents for the cottage when Munchkin is visiting, but it seems fine. Not quite as awesome as the crank one, but pretty good.
So I'm sure all of you out there aren't going to find this terribly useful. But babies do tend to like swings and especially if you can get a hand me down or something and have the room it is probably worthwhile.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Baby Connect iPhone App
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Joe Fresh
Not that my little man needs any more clothes at the moment. But ti is cool to keep an eye out for anything super nifty.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Carters Baby Clothes
Baby Food Storage
Freezing is awesome for storing baby food. I basically make a batch of something (say sweet potato) and then put it into an ice cube tray an freeze it. Then I put the cubes into a ziploc bag. This way I don't have to make a million special things a day and I can take a couple of cubes out at a time and defrost them depending on how much I need. Now it doesn't work with everything, but it does work for a lot of veggies and fruit.
They do sell special "baby food" trays and I was loaned a couple. They're good, but you can use an ice cube tray too. You probably already have a couple and they are cheaper than buying the special ones.
That being said, I did get one of these. They been kind of useful when making a batch of something and I want to use the next day. I don't find the tray part terribly useful, but the little containers yes.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Teething Rings
I've tried a couple of different teething rings and so far he's really only liked two of them, but I'm going to try again with the others. The first one is Sophie who will get her own post. So I won't say much here, except you should get one.
The other is the Ringley Teething Ring. Munchkin seems to like chewing on Fabric so is is a great one for him to have. I had originally thought it was jus super gimmicky on the "organic" bandwagon type thing, but he really does seem to like chewing on the maple ring and the fabric bits. I got the Ringley Straight and he's quite happy with it.
The ones that haven't worked so well yet are the ones that are filled with fluid and put in the fridge to be cold. I think he's going to change his mind about that sometime soon when the teething gets really super sore. I get the feeling he's just not so sure about the cold feeling yet.
My husband's and my fingers are also great teething rings according to Munchkin. Just thought you might want to know that.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Tracking your Baby
So when you're a brand new parent, you are expected to track everything your baby does. Even though you are a sleep deprived goomba. So you need to know exactly when and how often he/she pees, poops, eats etc.....
Now I'm not so good with all of this type of thing on a piece of paper. I'm just too too tech oriented. And of course you tend to leave the piece of paper at home and decide you're going to remember to do it later, etc... and so on. Then you forget. But the one thing you always have with you (well most of us anyway) is your phone. I have a iPhone personally so this all for this. There is an App in the ITunes store called Baby Connect I think it's $3.99 or something like that. Not sure expensive.
In it you can fairly quickly put all those nifty bits of info. You can even have multiple people do it. There is a web interface that goes with it so you can have the grandparents be able to put the info in. It's all account based. So you can have multiple accounts and the info will go across.
It's not a perfect software, but it's on the neat side and has done well for us in tracking feeding and the other end. It's also handy because you tend not to forget it when you go to the doctor and they ask you questions about it.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Sophie the Giraffe
I was on the skeptical side about this. And I was actually going to write this post from the point of view of "Every Child but mine loves Sophie". He just didn't seem to interested in Sophie. Then of course as soon as I was contemplating writing a post from that point of view, he just grabbed Sophie one day and started chomping down on her nose for all he was worth. So now there is a daily chew on Sophie's limbs/head session.
So yeah, I would recommend getting one and even if your little one doesn't seem interested at first, keep offering the Sophie and see what happens.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
So basically you can pre soak all your poopy, puked on or messy food covered clothes, blankets, bibs etc... and the majority of the time the stains come out. I haven't tried it on blueberry or beets type stuff.
So you should get some.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Red Food Dye
I used to get migraines from red food dye, so I've been avoiding it for my little Munchkin. But I've been having a hard time with the grape flavoured tylenol and was told that all infants love the cherry. So I bought some cherry and took the chance with the red dye (I later found out that apparently the dye free cherry does exist, I just can't find it as of yet). He loved it but........ I gave it to him about 1/2 an hour before bedtime. By the time we put him in bed he was a little choo choo train. His arms and legs were going a mile or two a minute and he showed no signs of slowing down. I brought him back down to his Dad to entertain for 1/2 an hour so I could get a little nap in. He put Munchkin in the Jolly Jumper where he went to town for a 1/2 hour and still wanted to keep going.
So yeah......your child can either be hyper or get a nasty stay away from the red food dye.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Food Making Equipment
Now if you want to make large batches of something, I would suggest using your larger food processor if you have one. For instance, the other day I pureed 4 mangos at once. It would have been a pain in the small Hamilton Beach one.
I also bought a metal steamer basket that you can put over a pot. The reason I got that one is because I get the feeling that when I steam beets and blueberries I will end up with a stained steamer machine. Not that the steamer will work any less well, but.......
Friday, July 8, 2011
Gassy Baby
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Sprout Right
I've found the book pretty helpful. Mostly for introducing foods to the Munchkin and the basic recipes to get you started. It's helpful to know that Rice Cereal constipates babies and how to avoid that (mind you according to me it's simple.....don't give it to them).
It's not the only book I'm using, but it's one of them and I find it helpful.
You can check their website our at Sprout Right. In addition to the book, there are workshops, menu plans etc.... and so on that you can buy.
It can be super expensive for those on a budget (like us), but we found a nifty way to get some photography done. Today we participated in a workshop called Simply Babies through Art Strollers.
Basically is a photography session where you are interacting with your baby in an Art Cafe (in the gallery section). There are other babies and their families too.
The photographer Andrew was fantastic. He made us feel really at ease and the process was fun.
We haven't seen the final images yet and won't for a couple of weeks (which is totally fine), but you can check out some of his other photography at his company Clear Pixel Images.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone. I think we are also going to check out some of their other offerings as they looks quite interesting and affordable.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Passport Hints!
Make sure when you are registering the wee one's birth you get the 2 versions of the birth certificate. I think they are the long and short forms. You need the long one for the passport application. And it sucks to have to wait to order that one then do the passport. Thankfully I had the one we needed.
Also, make sure you go to a passport picture place that knows how to photograph infants. They have rules such as no hands in the photo and some more.
So yeah, there you go!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Ring of Neglect
We wanted one, but our house is very narrow and full of stuff (if we're not careful we could turn into hoarders, well no, but we too have too much stuff). And in my mind they are a bit expensive. So we ended up buying the Kidco Go-Pod.
As a note, apparently you shouldn't be leaving your child in them for super long periods of time. It's that whole thing about overdeveloping muscles again like the Jolly Jumper. We have been told we should only use it about 20 minutes a day.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Food Storage Cubes
Rather than make food every day at the moment. It seems silly for the amount he's eating I've been making up one thing and freezing it in "cubes".
I have a few "Baby Food" storage keepers. I'm going to say you don't need to bother. Ice cube trays work just as well. I have the one from Kidco as well and it works well, but it's just a fancy ice cube tray. So if you have ice cube trays I would just go with that, then empty them into ziploc freezer bags and go from there. I have another bunch that have individual lids, but I don't think given the opportunity i would buy them again as the ice cube trays and small tupperware containers are just fine.
You don't need anything special.
So there you go. The post for the day.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Baby Bumpers & Sleep Positioners
We're hopefully going to be grabbing one today from Toysrus and we shall see how it works.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I will warn you, some kids latch onto one, others don't. Munchkin seems to be somewhere in the middle. Who knows where it will go. But he does like it.
The one we got is the giraffe from Angel Dear. And the neat thing is that they will sell them in sets of three! This is a good thing, trust me. Especially if this becomes the toy they will not do without. That way one can be in use, one in the wash and a spare in case of loss.
I was a little skeptical, but though....well why not get the three pack. I figured perhaps if it got lost eventually I wouldn't be able to get another one. Within a week I had used all three due to spit up on them.
We still aren't there with sleep yet, but that's a post for another day.
Picnic Blanket
I really like it. It's a good size, can be a backpack or shoulder bag and it has a bit of a cooler bag. The cooler part isn't very big but useful for a thing or two and zips off.
Skip Hope Central Park Bag
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Swimming Floats
The swimming we've been doing has been really mostly play, but he's learning to be comfortable in the water. The classes we are going to are we go to are run by Diaper Fit in Toronto. The classes are kind of neat. The first half hour is a fitness for Mom/Dad and the last half is for the babies with songs and getting used to the water. He seems to like them. I probably should have waited until he was a wee bit older (just a month or two I started him at just 5 months). He was getting a bit cold by the end. But he's pretty good now.
Anyway, for the first part the babies get to float in these floats
I really like them and Robbie seems to as well. You can get them for $22 at Toysrus in the summer season. I've already bought one for the cottage. They are by a company called Swimways.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Swim Diapers
I have two kinds right now....The Kushies and the Bummis. The Kushies one seems to work quite well. No complaints there. The Bummis I haven't used yet because it is the next size up, but I think that perhaps at next week's swimming class they will be in use as the current swim diaper is getting a wee bit small.
Most public pools seem to want you to use the reusable ones these days so it's always best to check before you go.
I will warn you though, the swim diapers are pretty much designed to keep the poop in. they don't do much to keep the wee in.
I'll do a post once I've tried out the Bummis swim diapers on how they compare with the Kushies.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
I'm sure we will be using a little bit more as we go along and start to feed the wee guy.
A few words of caution about the Bumbo.
- many babies are too big too fast to take advantage of it
- according to the nice occupational therapists at Sick Kids they shouldn't be overused as it can make the babies back muscles overdevelop too soon. That being said, they said using one occasionally isn't a bad thing.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Gagou Swimsuit
It's a bit disappointing, but I guess it happens. The funny thing is that I usually love the Gagou Tagou stuff. It's generally very cute and has held up well. But I guess every company has a lemon product once in awhile.
Co Sleepers/Bassinets

Please do note that pretty much all the medical community says not to let your baby sleep in the bed with you. There are a number of dangers, such as rolling over on the baby, bedding doing suffocation etc.....
The cosleeper worked reasonably well. I will caution you not to get one of this particular kind unless you have at least a Queen size bed or are going to kick the hubby out. My hubby and I were pretty much sleeping on the outside edges of the bed. It does make for safer sleeping for the little one. Another thing to consider is that they will grow out of it fairly quickly. We only used it for a couple of months. He grew too long after that.
I think perhaps if I was to do it again, I would either make sure I got out of bed to nurse and put him back in the cradle (avoiding the whole sleeping in the bed issue even though it can be super cuddly at times) or perhaps look into one of the Arms Reach Cosleepers. They look like they could be useful.
Used Baby Stuff - I did get a Bumbo off the site. Craigslist can be annoying at times but it does work too! - I haven't actually shopped there yet, but it looks cool.
Once Upon a Child - I haven't been yet, but probably will at some point.
There are more resources and I'll probably put a page up at some point with more of them as I come across them.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Jolly Jumper
As you can see here they really do love it. That was my little guy doing the jumping.
But we have been warned to use it by the Occupation Therapists at Sick Kids. Apparently it can cause the muscles in the legs to overdevelop and bowed legs I believe. We have to be a little bit more vigilant about things because our wee guy was a preemie and they are watching him more closely.
That being said....I think almost all of us used a Jolly Jumper at some point and we seem to be ok. I would think that a moderate use of a Jolly Jumper wouldn't do any lasting harm.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Breast Pumps
These days I don't really pump except when I've been trying to get him to take a bottle which I've had very little luck with. I will probably pump a bit for his cereal when he starts that but other than that I don't need to pump much now since he won't take a bottle.
So I have had experience with 5 (yes 5) different breast pumps as follows:
Breast Pump @ Sick Kids
Ameda Hospital Grade
Medela Mini Electric
Medela Symphony (Hospital Grade)
Let me say first off, pumping is not the most fun experience on the planet. My poor boobs were super sore and it took awhile to get used to it all. It's probably not like that so much if you are only doing it occasionally. And now on to my thoughts.
The best pump (go figure) was the retro looking one at Sick Kids. But I hope that none of my readers ever have to experience that. So that will be all I have to say on that pump.
Hospital Grade
For the hospital grade ones (which you can rent), I liked the Ameda the best. It was the most similar to the one at Sick Kids and I felt did the best job of getting out the milk. Also, the way their tubing system works, no milk ever gets into the tubes leading to the pump itself which can get gross in my opinion. If you should ever have need of a pump for a few weeks because of a issue (like being in the hospital) I would recommend renting one from the hospital rather than buying one of the hospital grade ones. If you know you are going to be doing a lot of pumping anyway, I would suggest getting one of the consumer models. Sick Kids rents the Ameda ones and Mount Sinai rents the Medela ones.
The Symphony was fine, I just liked the Ameda better.
Consumer Ones
The only one I've used has been this one Medela Consumer Pump. It has done a reasonably good job. It's not as powerful as the hospital grade ones so I always kind of felt that it hasn't done as good a job as the hospital grade ones. That being said, it did a perfectly good job. I do think though that if I were buying one to use at home (the Medela was very kindly loaned to us by friends), I would most likely get the Ameda consumer model based on the experience with the hospital grade.
The Medela Mini Electric. I just got this one. It was a steal at a Garage Sale at my cottage for $20. I couldn't pass it up. The person had only used it once. She prefers the manual pumps. I've only used it a couple of times. But it does an ok. job. If I was doing a lot of pumping I don't think I would want to depend on it. It is a one boob at a time and not as powerful. The pros though...Super portable and it can run on batteries. I would probably get the Swing or Freestyle if i was buying one new though. They seem just as portable and a little more powerful.
So there you go. All I know about breast pumps. It really is all about what suits your needs and pocketbook. They can be very expensive.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Happiest Baby on the Block
Sunday, June 12, 2011
It's made by a company called Manhattan Toys and most baby stores have it. I've noticed that most of the independent toy stores seem to sell it for less than Toysrus. Just in case you wanted to know..... I got mine at The Toy Space at King & Bathurst.
Emergency Diaper Bag
Keep an emergency diaper bag in the car.
You just need to put a few diapers, some wipes and perhaps a change of clothes, and some other essential you can't live without. The diapers and the wipes are the key I think though.
One day my husband and I went to visit a friend in the hospital and when we got there I realized I forgot the diaper bag. Thankfully we didn't need to do a diaper change and were quite close to drugstores if it became an issue. But while I was there I was speaking to some grandmothers waiting for the birth of a grandchild and their advice was keeping this little emergency kit in the car. So we have done that.
Just make sure as your baby grows to put the right size diapers in :)
As a note, we didn't buy a new diaper bag for this. Any bag will do. But we used the free one from Nestle that they sent us with formula samples. It even has a change pad. You can sign up here for one. Don't expect it until close to when your baby is due.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
I guess my recommendation on bottles is to only buy one bottle of the type you are going to try and then if it works out get more. No sense in spending a lot on a set of bottles only to find out that your baby hates that particular kind.
So that's pretty much it when it comes to bottles for me. We are going to try and teach the little guy how to drink out of a cup.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Go Bag
I will also throw this out there. If you happen to need to go to the hospital because of possible labour. Make sure you bring the camera and the phone charger. If you happen to need to stay overnight it's very handy. My iPhone's battery was super close to death by the time I had the baby. It was running on fumes when I wanted to tell the world about the baby.
Lillies of the Valley Coat
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Green Baby Bargains
I should say that I haven't actually bought anything from them yet. I just haven't actually needed the items that they are selling when they have been selling them. However, a friend of my has bought stuff from them and was quite pleased with what she bought.
Green Baby Bargains
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The M Coat
It's a bit expensive when you are on a budget, but you can wear it for years. |
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Nursing Tops
Friday, April 1, 2011
Most of the locations for buying items is Toronto as that's the area I live in, but items will all have links to their websites if they exist.